Tuesday, July 26, 2011

As to Appeasement and the deaths in Norway


I can't believe you can't endlessly push on white people
To be tolerant and let everyone into their home land
Even if it brings in danger or seems to be part of some
Larger Jihad Bring on the Caliphate Allah Akbar plan

This can be used as an excellent example to push
On them even more in every area and every way
This makes all Christians just like all Muslims
Now is the time to morally equivocate all the live long day

More Somalians need to be brought in
More Mosques need to be built wherever they prefer
Any questioning of the wisdom of this should be
Looked upon as nothing but creating a bias stir

Open minded means endless toleration of everything
Every religion Ever culture is equal and the same
Any one who questions the wisdom of this
Can be clearly seen as to be of primary blame

One can never go too far or over react
By going to an extreme to prove oneself fair
Tough factual real world analysis will never do
Only that odd guilt and self hatred can get us anywhere

This writing should definitely be looked upon suspiciously
To say Muslims practice a religion of peace is to have an open mind
To say that White Christians have ever been targeted
Is presenting as prejudice ignorant bigoted and blind

Appeasement can never ever never be
Pushed to the point of committing national suicide
Even if results turn deadly destructive and disastrous
The people can not be left to decide

The left should now be guaranteed sole right
To make up the rules about how we live and die
Hassan and his ilk are indicative of nothing
They should all just be allowed to slide right by

Long live the efite elite
Long live their sanctimonious ways
They have after all gloriously proved they know
Exactly what to do Exactly what to say

Give up your borders and language
Turn your cheeks and close your eyes
Tell your youth to look for the deep insight
Behind what radical Islam means when they say

The West Should die

5:55 pm
transcribed this time
7:06 pm


Oba Mama volunteers to pimp for La Raza....crowds cheer

Anyone against La Raza
Is Racist

They get to do what they want
They are the oppressed yet brave
The USA is really their land
It is their culture we all have to save

The very very least whites can do
Is get the Hell out of the way
And if it's not something nice
They shouldn't have anything to say

La Raza is made up of a proud people
Who know who they are down deep
Last thing they need is a difference of opinion
Spouted off by a bunch of racist creeps

And that's all their opponents are
Nothing less Nothing more
The wonderful Mr Obama understands this
And wants to help open their doors

0:02 am
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9:07 am


Friday, July 22, 2011

Bill Maher isn't funny.....take 2

Bill Maher isn't funny
Take 2

Bill Maher isn't cool
The only people who think so
Are absolute idiot fools

He hates women
He hates men
He hates anybody
To the right of him

He's a sicko
And a tyrant's sycophant
He likes to think he's edgy
But he's just on another slant rant

He's a lame fame whore
Look for somebody to applaud
But really all he is...
Is a cheap shallow and

Utterly contemptible fraud

12:03 pm
transcribed this time
12:16 pm


See Something Say Something

Yeah Yeah

I see 20 million illegals
That have invaded my home
And those who ignore them
Because they have no back bone

Or worse yet
Encourage this lawless invasion
No border defined as necessary
Just opportunism at the situation

I see gangs marauding everywhere
And being treated like fluff
As they rob murder and deal drugs
With no interference from cream puffs

I see a democratic party
That is actually a communist front
And every one of their acts of treason
Written off as but mere dismissible stunts

I see the main lame stream press
Pushing truth and honor aside
I see their twisting spinning sedition
Here to take us all for a ride

Straight to Hell exposing us
To real threats from without
Any act of patriotism and self defense
Is constantly berated and treated with doubt

I see evil walking our land
I see those who push compromise
Those who pretend to be on our side
And then sell us out with fraud deceit and lies

See Something
Say Something

I see thieves and whores
I see leftist pushing their extreme
I see Soros flat out trying to fund
The destruction of the American Dream

I see a stinking Socialist in the White House
I see an Attorney General of the USA
As worse than a common criminal
Who will do anything to get his way

I see Home Land Security
Being played as if it was a game
And every God fearing returning Vet
Told they are the ones to blame

I see gas prices going up
I see food prices going up
I see idiots telling me it's ok
I see the arrogance of the corrupt

See Something
Say Something

I see ROE's killing good men
I'm seeing the military being told
That gay is the way
And chaplains aren't there to comfort the soul

But to marry queers
And to help push this social experimentation
Like yeah that's what's way more important
Than say defending this nation


I'll see something and say something
But it won't be to you
You're just here for yourself
And to make sure the rest of us

Get screwed

10:01 am
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10:09 am


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Debbie expects to get away with her usual crap...but gets called out

Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Is a lying manipulative pig

Throwin out her usual
Double standard twitchy pitch
She is what she is
And that includes being a bitch

She feels like she can spew
Out her hatred and ugly puke
And expects to not be called out
Expects she is beyond rebuke

We're sick of tired of it
I think we've all had enough
Of those who hate a man
For being strong independent and tough

This special privilege crap
This Holy Victim dance
Is nothing but a con job
To get away with stupid rant chants

Wasserman is vile and disgusting
An ugly witch given the caldron a stir
And that's not an intended insult
That is just accurately describing her

10:38 am
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9:05 am


To those who want to disarm us

You think you want to

Take away my guns
My means of protecting myself
Like self defense is alright
As long as it's left to somebody else

You are quite mad indeed
You are also evil beyond compare
If you come for my freedom
You're comin for a fight I swear

You are petty mean and stupid
To want to take away my right
To bear arms and speak freely
Honestly you're not too bright

We love our families and nation
You will not do us harm
And not pay a very severe price
Your life is not all that charmed

We need no serpent tongued lectures
We need no conniving and lying
We know that it is not mere conjecture
That you'd rather see us all dying

Than not subjected to your power
Than not before you on bended knee
But you better bring it and bring it hard
If you're coming for me

You slimy low life bully
You arrogant obnoxious fool
It's all just a game to you
And you're Hell bent on making the rules

I will stand with my brothers and others
I will do it even if all alone
And even though the way be ragged and jagged

My heart and soul
Will push on toward home

10:26 am
transcribed this time
10:24 am


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Read between the lines

You rotten stinking racist white people
Absolutely make me sick
You are the lowest of the low
And will use every dirty trick

Nope you can't fool her
Uh huh not even on a good day No siree
There's no way to put one over
On open minded Sheila Jackson Lee

She's smart and fair way down deep
She's no race card pimp and that's no lie
You can see the intelligence gleaming
Streaming screaming out of her eyes

If everybody would just do
What ever Obama says to do
We wouldn't be having these arguments
And all these different points of view

Americans need to pay more taxes
And Obama needs to spend more
And if you don't agree with that
You just need to just hit the door

And take your white racist stinking
Attitude with you as you go
Yep that Sheila Jackson Lee
Is such a shining example

She just glows

10:45 am
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10:48 am


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Shovel Ready

As in dig your own grave
Kneel down on your knees
Say what ever you want
You can even say pretty please

But they will pull the trigger
They will put a bullet in your head
They will rob you of everything
And laugh as you fall dead

Into the ditch you dug
Into the hard cold earth
You have no intrinsic value
Only what they say you are worth

Hand over all your money
Don't disagree just do as you're told
Hand over all of your freedom
Hand over your very soul

For they have got all the answers
They've got it all figured out
You just do as they say
And soon there will be no doubt

Yes yes there you go
Take your daughters hand
Never mind that gun fire
Don't disrupt the plan

Yes yes there you go
Quiet your sons do as they command
Pray real quietly now
And bow your heads

Soon you will understand

5:08 pm
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1:25 pm


Flash Mobs Wilding and deliberately being targeted

Flash mobs Wilding
And deliberately being targeted


My hope would be

That my son would fall bleeding to the ground
Before he lifted a hand against an attack by a black
We have sinned against them mightily in the past
And there is no way we can ever pay them back

My hope would be that he would curl up
If he was taking kicks to the body and head
And assure them over and over through bloody lips
That he is not a racist and would say so

Until they day he was dead

How ugly has been the heritage of the white man
How truly ashamed we should all be
Only gushing words of apology for slavery
Even if they were raping his girl friend in front of him

So he could see

How righteously angry these misunderstood youth
Are as they express themselves on the street
You can hear the hurt in their voices as they scream
Hey Yo Whitely Yo Azzz is jus about to get beat

My only hope would be that he would even tell them
Where his parents and friends lived
As they pulled his wallet out from his pants
We are the blue eyed devils their kind can never forgive

And so
We deserve this flash mob violence and wilding
We deserve the deliberate targeting and hate
We deserve what we have brought upon ourselves
We deserve the most unmerciful of fate

How righteously angry these misunderstood youth
Are as they express themselves on the street
You can hear the hurt in their voices as they scream
Hey Yo Whitely Yo Azzz is jus about to get beat

I'm sorry my son we brought this on you
I'm not a racist is what this is all about
And no matter how many witnesses you have
It's no wonder the police have their doubts

No use blowing it up as too big a deal
We don't want a race riot on our hands
Come on now son lay there and take it
Learn to be Learn to be

A .... good white man

12:44 pm



Wednesday, July 6, 2011

But it's the policy

Stupid stinking American Soldier

What's with all this faith in God crap
What's with all this free speech at his death
They're just ignorant military boys
Who were lucky to draw in a breath

That was a daring progressive woman
Who put that policy out for all to see
That we are indeed living in the US
We are indeed the land of liberty

Nobody has the right to use as an excuse
The death of a military woman or man
To mouth off all their right wing extremism
Babbling about divinity as a way to understand

This woman of courage should be promoted
And asked to speak at college graduations
She is the kind that inspires and moves us
To make this a better nation

Stupid stinking American Soldier
What does everybody get a free pass
Because he's dead He joined the military
What did everyone expect dumb ass

9:34 am
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12:10 pm
In Houston a VA burial ground
had a statement put out about
there not being any more praying
allowed especially using words like
Jesus and God.....


Sunday, July 3, 2011

The ATF and the gun give away to Drug Cartels

You think you want to

Take away my guns
My means of protecting myself
Like self defense is alright
As long as it's left to somebody else

You are quite mad indeed
You are also evil beyond compare
If you come for my freedom
You're comin for a fight I swear

You are petty mean and stupid
To want to take away my right
To bear arms and speak freely
Honestly you're not too bright

We love our families and nation
You will not do us harm
And not pay a very severe price
Your life is not all that charmed

We need no serpent tongued lectures
We need no conniving and lying
We know that it is not mere conjecture
That you'd rather see us all dying

Than not subjected to your power
Than not before you on bended knee
But you better bring it and bring it hard
If you're coming for me

You slimy low life bully
You arrogant obnoxious fool
It's all just a game to you
And you're Hell bent on making the rules

I will stand with my brothers and others
I will do it even if all alone
And even though the way be ragged and jagged

My heart and soul
Will push on toward home

10:26 am
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10:49 am
How far up ATF
How far up DOJ
All so that they
Our guns take away
