Monday, March 12, 2012

This would have never happened

This would have never happened

If we would have more gay soldiers
If they could serve openly and proud
If nobody thought wearing pink stripes
Made them stand out in a crowd

This would have never happened

If Christians were watched closer
If they were under scrutiny everday
If proper deserved suspicion was placed
On everything they do and say

Heter0sexism is running wild
In the military now a days
More sensitivity training would
Help to improve their ways

This would have never happened

If the Rules of Engagement
Were wound up good and tight
There are things more important
Than merely winning in a fight

Perhaps if military benefits were cut
They could go beyond mere self
They wouldn't get to thinking
They were better than everyone else

This would have never happened

If apologies above all else
Were the standing orders of the day
Here at least we have a proud

Commander in Chief
Commander in Thief

Leading the way

10:05 am



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